Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Working Out At Home

Day 2 of getting back on the exercise train. It's been a while since I did some form of exercise 2 days in a row, and I did it today. Woo! It was nothing special, but rather than force myself to go to a gym, I pulled out one of the exercise DVDs I got at Big Lots. $5 for a DVD is not bad, especially if it's one you will use frequently. I normally wouldn't buy exercise videos but I loathe the gym. I really do. Granted, I have a membership to the little gym across the street from my house, but I rarely use it. I think I keep it around for those days where I actually want to get on to an elliptical machine or treadmill. They have classes, but mostly at inconvenient times for me, at least the good ones are.
So I bought a couple Jillian Michaels' DVDs. Not too shabby. Today I opened one I bought last year. It utilizes a kettle bell (which I don't have) or in the absence of one, a hand-weight (which I do own).
I wasn't sure what I was going to get myself into with this video, as a previous one I've used of hers was brutal. A total body workout that made me sore for days! Luckily, this video wasn't as intense. Definitely worked my legs and arms, but I could walk away unscathed. I felt the burn and survived.

I have to say, the only thing that bugs me about Jillian's workout videos is that they put her in these athletic pants that barely cover her. I feel like if she were to bend down you'd see her butt crack. And don't get me started on the front of the pants. They are so low that you can almost see the top of the nether-region. I would NEVER wear anything like that to exercise in. It's great that she has a killer body, but it's like she's taunting you. Jillian's body is so amazing I want to rip her head off and put my own in its place. I wish I could be addicted to exercise like she is, hell, even like some of my friends are. But I can't. I enjoy outdoor activities, like running and soccer. That's how I tried to stay in shape. But since my ankle injury, I've been banned from all running/soccer activities for a year. I think I miss soccer the most. I started playing at 4.5yrs old, loved it and hadn't stopped playing since. My ankles have been damaged enough and I think they had it and gave out on me last year. So I'm being nice, listening to the doctor, and I'm giving them the rest they deserve. Only 3 more months until I can try jogging again and see how well my ankles hold up.

Now that my rant is over...
I did the dancing Wii game again. And walked to lunch and back today. Exercise x3. Go me! Tomorrow, maybe I'll try going to the gym just to shake things up. Eh. But these home workouts are turning out to be more fun.


  1. I wish that I had a gym across the street from me. But to be honest, I'm pretty sure that I'd still have plenty of excuses even if it was there. Way to go on all your exercise today!!

  2. Go you is right!!! 3x in a day is fabulous! Keep it up Deb :)

  3. My gym is 3 blocks away as you know I never go. Keep up the good work proud of you.

  4. Thanks for the encouragement. It definitely helps!
