Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Dog Walk Day

Exercise day 3. This is going to be tough.
I think the worst part of this weight-loss journey so far has been stepping on the scale. I know it's super early to even see results, but this morning, it's like the scale said "Fuck You" and raised the numbers. I eat fairly well and I try and do at least 30 min of exercise each day, but the scale hates me. And I hate it. I hate the meds that I had to take last year which put me at my heaviest weight of all time. Granted, I'm healthy now and they were a life-saver at the time, but I still hate that this is where I am. I think that's why this is so hard. I don't lose weight easily.
I gained 30lbs in college and it took 1.5 years to get it off. My mom got me to join Weight Watchers with her. The program works, but it's the after part that was hard for me. I just didn't stick with the point counting. I did for a while and I've been on and off the program the last few years, it's just costly if you're not within your goal weight. I got defeated and didn't want to pay for the program anymore. I can do it on my own, but it's the lack of discipline that holds me back. I'm an awesome weight maintainer though!

And that brings me to now. I'm trying this app a friend told me about, My Fitness Pal. It's a calorie counting program. I've never counted calories, but I have had food diaries in the past, so it's not completely foreign. So far I like the app. You can add your friends and their activities will show up on the home page with yours, so everyone can help each other out. If you can't find a specific food, you can either add it yourself or there's an option to use the scanner on the barcode of whatever you're eating. It's nice if you want to be completely specific with your food. This app also tracks your exercise, which I have been doing. I'm trying to hold myself accountable this time around. I'm healthy, but I need to get back in shape. My muscles atrophied last year when I was sick and stuck in bed or a wheelchair, so I'm trying to get that back as well. It's a process, but I know I can do it. I have the support of my family and friends.
Today I walked. I took Zoe out and walked around the neighborhood. We did 2.59 miles in about 45 minutes. And the weather was beautiful! I wasn't expecting it to get so warm. The jacket I brought was completely unnecessary. It was relaxing. I didn't saunter. I kept a good pace, but it was still peaceful, even with the music blasting in my ears. It was a good start to the day.
Not sure what I'm gonna do for Day 4, but I'm in the rhythm and I plan to see this goal through. If I get off track for any reason, please put me back on track. Motivate me. Push me. I know I'm going to need it. It's only day 3 but I see it's going to be a long journey...

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