Friday, February 24, 2012

5 Days in a Row

That has to be a record for me! Seriously. I never workout like that. But I'm determined to get this prednisone weight off. My goal is 30 min of exercise a day. So far, I've been averaging about an hour. I think it helps that I have a dog that needs to get outside every day.

Tonight, boyfriend and I took his parents out for dinner (for their anniversary) to this amazing restaurant, Roy's. It's seriously like a foodgasim there every time. And this was only my 2nd visit!sX UH-MAY-ZING. That's all I have to say. If you haven't been there, you really should find it in your area and check it out. The staff are super friendly and helpful, especially when you can't make up your mind about what to try. Props go out to my waitress tonight. She suggested some fantastic dishes. Oh, and I had one of the best mojitos tonight. Pineapple ginger mojito. So good I had to have a 2nd. If you don't like sweet drinks, then it's probably not for you. As boyfriend's dad put it, "It's a girly drink."

And that was pretty much my night. Aside from the jaunt over to the bookstore after dinner. Boyfriend and I bought a book. I found too many I want to read. Boyfriend made a point to ask if they were books I needed to own or just read. Mostly, they are books I want to read, so I'll have to see if the library has them.

I hope you all have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I wonder if keeping track of things on the blog helps to keep you motivated. Congress!
