Wednesday, February 8, 2012

TV Taping Junkie

One of my favorite things I did in New York I didn't mention before was our TV taping of the Anderson Cooper show. We got free tickets to be part of the audience which taped at Lincoln Center.
It was an early morning for us. We had to be there by 9am, which most people would say isn't that early, but on Jesi's dog walking schedule, it is. Normally she's not up until 11am. When I come, she makes the exception. Thanks bestie!

The show we taped aired yesterday about OCD. I think they lied to the woman to get her on the show. But don't quote me on that. It's just my assumption from the interview with her and the woman from the rehab center. She apparently was told that she could exercise for an hour every day in rehab and during the interview, they said that they'd have to assess her before any exercise could be done. So in the "what happened after the show" the Anderson show said that rehab lasted 24 hours. Not surprising.
Check out the episode if you get a chance. It's not light, but really eye opening.

Jesi and I got great audience seats. 2nd row. You can see us at least 11 times throughout the hour. My lovely friend took photos of us every time we showed up on screen. I'm going to share. Our expressions are priceless; like OCD is ruining OUR lives.

Then yesterday, my friend, C, had tickets to a taping of Conan O'Brien and asked if I wanted to go. That's a no-brainer! It was an all day thing. A fun road trip up to LA and back. We got up early enough to get decent seats. The 5th group of people. We ended up in the 3rd row. And I appeared on TV again! Just for a minute when Conan was making fun of the audience with Craigslist ads, but you can see me. And funny enough, I'm wearing the same outfit. Maybe it's my lucky TV taping top. If I wear it, the cameras will come. Hehe.
There I am! In the bottom corner. So funny.

I loved watching Coco do his thing! He shook my hand. I was going for a high five when he came by singing to the audience, but then he stopped in front of me (I put my hand down) and he belted out and then reached out to shake hands and said "It's very nice to meet you." And then he walked away. So awesome!!

Even though neither show gave out free stuff, I had the best time. I'd really love to get tickets to Ellen, but those are hard to obtain. I submitted my request, so we'll see if it's accepted.
Anyone have TV taping hook ups they want to pass my way? I'd be so very grateful.


  1. You are very lucky to have such a great friend get up before 11 ;)
