Thursday, April 19, 2012

I love dairy

I had a doctor appointment today. More blood work. Aside from the normal blood tests, he's also testing for thyroid issues and celiac. No bueno.

I've been diligently working out at least 5 days a week for the past couple months, but I'm not really getting anywhere with results. I know that weightloss is a slow process, and I've come to terms with it, but I should have something to show for my consistency. And I've got nothing. It's really frustrating. I may have lost 5 pounds, but I'll gain it back and then lose it again; like a yo-yo. I'm eating better AND exercising. Granted, I feel like I'm getting some of my leg muscles back, but that's pretty much it.
My doctor said that aerobic exercises are what I need to focus on. He said that if I have access to a treadmill or stationary bike, then I should do that 3x a week for 40min. I have a gym membership that I never use, so I guess it's about time I go back and get my money's worth.

I was talking with my nurse today on my way out about how even when I exercise regularly, my joints still hurt. I'll wake up in the morning and my muscles will be fine, but I definitely feel the tenderness in my joints. It's the arthritis and unfortunately, that won't change. It's just something I have to deal with. At the ripe age of 32, I am healthy enough, yet have to deal with the "grannie" arthritis. It makes me feel old.

My gyno suggested the next time I get blood work done from my GI, that we test for thyroid. Funny enough, I hadn't mentioned it yet, and in our conversation today, my doctor asked if we had tested the thyroid. I'm glad we are on the same page. If it is indeed a thyroid issue, that could be a reason why I'm having a hard time with the weightloss. But I'm not sure about the celiac test. Dr Haynes said that when a patient mentions gas and bloating, they first test for a lactose intolerance and also celiac disease, in case of a gluten intolerance. I really hope that's not the case. That is a HARD diet to keep. I've tried and failed. Gluten-free bread is not tasty. Plus, I have a hard enough time not eating dairy.

I love dairy products. Milk, yogurt, and cottage cheese are staples in my fridge. Not being able to eat them for 2 whole weeks is going to be torture! Well, not completely, but it's going to suck; big time.
I did it last year per a different doctor's request, but it was unnecessary. As hard as it was, I came out of it with a love for Almond Milk. Especially, chocolate almond milk. It has now become a MUST HAVE in my house. Like tonight. I was craving something sweet and instead of grabbing junkfood, I grabbed a large glass and poured myself some milk. It definitely hit the spot.

So here goes the lactose-free 2 week trial. Almond milk and tofu cheese, here I come!

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