Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Boob Tube

That's what my father calls the TV. Not sure why, you'll have to ask him.

It's day 19 of my no tv challenge and I'm DYING!! At least today, I am. While I have been finding ways to stay occupied (i.e. shopping, board games, reading...), there are days that you just don't feel like doing anything and THAT was what today felt like. I just wanted to veg in front of my tv doing absolutely nothing. *SIGH*

I think I felt this way mainly in part because I worked my butt off at the gym yesterday and my entire body was aching. Plus the cold rainy weather always makes me feel like I need to curl up in my pjs with a blanket and just relax. I drank about 18oz of coconut water, took my vitamins, and had lots of protein when I woke up thinking that it might help the sore muscles. If I don't move, I don't hurt. Isn't that how it always is?

So what did I do to ignore the cravings:
  1. I turned on the kitchen radio to dance and slide around in my socks and pjs (cause I could)
  2. I pulled out my bread machine and baked some whole wheat bread.
  3. Cleaned up the kitchen.
  4. Continued working on our family haggadah
  5. Ran over to the library to get a new book to read
  6. Went to the gym
That last one nearly killed me. I must have been crazy. My body was already aching. But I said I would meet some friend for Zumba, which I had yet to try. Verdict: It's a lot of fun! My quads were screaming for the entire hour of dancing, but I endured it and LOVED it. There's another class on Thursday, but I think I might try yoga instead. Tomorrow is a strength training day again and I might just want to do a day of stretching after that. We'll see...

So here it is, after midnight (technically the beginning of day 20) and I survived yet another 24hrs of NO TV. Only 8 more days to go. I can do this!

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