Thursday, April 3, 2008

There's more room in my mouth now

Wow! I just realized it's been almost a week since I last wrote. Not a lot has happened, but I'll share anyways.

I got my wisdom teeth pulled last Friday which really put a damper on my training schedule. I haven't felt much like doing anything. The pain just kinda sucks. I can't take Vicodin since it makes me sick so they gave me codine (tylenol with codine). Not as strong but for the most part it does what it's supposed to. I've been taking it with some Advil, which in the end makes me kinda loopy/dizzy. I ran out now but the doc says that since I'm healing well to just take Advil when I need it...which right now is like 3 times a day. It sucks because it's just one of those uncomfortable feelings in my mouth. Mainly it hurts in the morning and the doc said it was probably because I've been clenching my teeth while I sleep. Who knew!
So I haven't really run since Friday morning. I did do my 2 miles before the oral surgery, which was a total mistake seeing as how I forgot I wasn't allowed to eat or drink anything for at least 6 hours prior to surgery. Duh! Oh well. They were able to do it anyways since it was just water that I drank.

Now that I'm feeling more up to actually running - I missed playing soccer for the past week - I think I'm going to try and do a run either tonight or tomorrow. We have a group run this Saturday morning down in Mission Beach for about 45 min and then there's a fundraising clinic afterwards. I'm looking forward to both.
I just got word that some of the company matching went through. I'm now $500 closer to my goal of $3500!! I think that brings me to a total of $1695.99! Wow. You guys are the best. Please keep passing on the word to all your friends and family. I hope to reach $3500 before June.

I'll let you know how the run on Saturday goes. Til then!


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