Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Ice Cream and Movies

That sounded so much better than going for a run. The boyfriend came home early tonight and since we don't get to spend that much time together, I totally took advantage and opted to postpone my run/walk/exercise and eat a small bowl of ice cream while cuddled on the couch watching a movie with him.

Totally worth it. I'll run tomorrow.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

At The Starting Line Again

Wow. I can't believe it's been almost a year since I wrote. But, here we go again. I must be crazy. I've signed up for 2 events this far.

The first is the yearly event in May with my parents to do the Relay For Life, which benefits the American Cancer Society. I like this event because it doesn't cater to one specific type of cancer. The money raised goes to help fund research for all cancers. And they don't ask you raise a certain amount of money. They just encourage everyone to raise at least $100 (if you want a t-shirt).
My mom was diagnosed 2 years ago with breast cancer. 5 days after her mastectomy, she demanded we go to the Relay event so she could walk the first lap with all the survivors. I had her out for 2 hours and then she was beat. Rest was definitely needed. My mom is a trooper. She's doing really well now - in remission and her hair has grown back.
I'm team captain again for our Purple Cancer Eaters team. I've recruited some new people to join our team and I'm hoping to have it more organized - at least with a scheduled walk list so everyone knows when they are going to walk. Last year, I walked longer than I should have in the middle of the night because people were sleeping and I didn't want to wake anyone. They kinda got upset about it, so I figure, with a walk schedule, everyone can sign up for when they want to walk. If I can get 12 people on the team, then really everyone only has to walk 2 hours. Definitely not that bad. I'll keep you updated as it goes. I really need to get fundraising. Only $150 so far. I know I can do better!

Event #2 is in July. My friends and I decided we wanted to run the Napa half again. I think we're crazy. But I'm excited to do it. We created a team of about 7 of us. Team Super Poopers. Jill, our team captain, who I ran Napa with in '08, didn't want to run AND fundraise with Team Challenge, but still wanted to be a part of TC. So, we created a team in honor of the poop diseases, Crohn's (which Jill has) and Ulcerative Colitis (which my mom has). We definitely need to start training because July will be here before we know it. Half the team lives in San Diego and the other half in LA and one in Indiana. So all of us getting together to train probably won't happen, but the girls that are in town, I can train with them.

There is one more event I think I might sign up for, but it's not until November. I did the Iron Girl last year with my mom and my sister. It was a fast 5K and my mom and sister's first one. I felt honored to do it with them. I'm hoping they'll want to do it again this year. I need to beat my 5K time. Stupid asthma.

Anyways, here's to a fun-filled new year full of running highs and running lows. I will try and write as often as I can (or at least when I remember).