Monday, March 11, 2013

Off to the gym

I got my new Sweaty Band in the mail today! And just in time before I left for the gym. I love that it has little alligators on it!

Off to work on my strength training. Getting stronger and my endurance is getting longer. Relay is gonna be a piece of cake!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Relay Soiree Success

This past Sunday, our Relay for Life community put together a free event for cancer survivors and caretakers. It was amazing. I meant to write about this on Monday, but a little life got in the way. It actually was good though that I waited because I have a couple pictures I can show you! :)

Since our Relay theme this year is International, our Survivor Soiree was too. Imagine a room full of finger foods, desserts, a photo booth with props, international dancers, and music, all to celebrate the lives of cancer survivors and the people who cared for them in their time of need. Those of us on the committee got donations from various restaurants for finger foods or we made something ourselves. There definitely wasn't a lack of food, though some types of food ran out faster than others.
 So what did I do? I helped check people in as they arrived. Then I was able to enjoy the night. My mom (who helped plan the event) woke up with a fever that morning so she unfortunately couldn't make it. I felt so bad. My dad took her place though. He played "customs officer" and made sure everyone had a name tags (meaning that they checked in to their respective tables - survivor or caretaker).
I believe that everyone who attended had an amazing time. The raffle prizes were donated by a lot of our committee members. Last year, my mom won 3 of the raffle prizes and I won one. Unfortunately for me, I just wasn't a winner, but my dad won the raffle prize themed from Germany. He was very happy. My friend, Jessica and her daughter, Julia, made out like bandits. They won 3 baskets, and 2 of them were Dr. Seuss themed. Needless to say, Julia was beyond ecstatic. Jessica told me that before Julia won, she said, "Mama, I feel lucky today." She's just too darn cute!

I'm so blessed to be a part of this organization even in the smallest way. It's events like this that can truly put a smile on a face. I know it did for mine.

Our photo booth pictures - lots of fun!
Me and Ronnie, our resident photographer
Where in the world are you from? Place your pin. :)

Philippine dancers
Philippine dancers

Leo, some Polish dancers, and Carole

Julia helping pick the raffle ticket winners
Cancer Survivors

The German basket my dad won

Julia's hiding behind her new Cat in the Hat